Webinar by Ross Parnell-Turner (1 am GMT, Wednesday, October 20th/ 6 pm US Pacific Tuesday, October 19th)
We are pleased to continue “InterRidge 2021 Webinar Series – Earth Science, Life Science and Our Future” with various Ridge studies. The InterRidge Office invited Dr. Ross Parnell-Turner (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) as the second webinar speaker. The talk is titled ‘Probing past and future volanism at 9º50’N, East Pacific Rise’. Detailed information can be found on the InterRidge webinar page (http://interridge.org/webinar/).
Day and Time: 1 am GMT/UTC, Wednesday, October 20th, (6 pm US Pacific, Tuesday, October 19th)
Webinar by Ross Parnell-Turner (1 am GMT, Wednesday, October 20th/ 6 pm US Pacific Tuesday, October 19th)
We are pleased to continue “InterRidge 2021 Webinar Series – Earth Science, Life Science and Our Future” with various Ridge studies. The InterRidge Office invited Dr. Ross Parnell-Turner (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) as the second webinar speaker. The talk is titled ‘Probing past and future volanism at 9º50’N, East Pacific Rise’. Detailed information can be found on the InterRidge webinar page (http://interridge.org/webinar/).
Day and Time: 1 am GMT/UTC,
Wednesday, October 20th, (6 pm US Pacific, Tuesday, October 19th)
Zoom Address: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83961266804?pwd=NWJadnhOVldFOWVRNi8vc1NhNEhGUT09
Meeting ID: 839 6126 6804
Passcode: 230809